Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Typographie - Emil Ruder

Typographie was written and edited by Emil Ruder, an established twentieth century Swiss designer and typographer. Ruder was one of the founding members of the Basel School of Design. Emil studied art in Paris, then learned typesetting in Zurich. At the age of fifteen he became a four year apprentice at the Zurich school of Art and Design. They have it at Alkek but it is currently checked out (sad day).

Since I was not able to actually see or hold the book here are multiple pictures of it.  The book touches base on all the fundamentals of design such as function, form, counter-form, geometrical proportions, color for contrast etc.  Ruder thought that above all typography’s purpose was to communicate ideas through writing.  He put importance on counters of characters and the negative space of compositions.  Like most Swiss design, the book’s page layouts are mainly asymmetric

Designers, specifically typographers consider this a must have for any aspiring type student or established designer.  It designed in the Swiss Style that Ruder helped create, with sans-serif fonts and grids for symmetrical layouts.

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