Thursday, January 17, 2013

The New Typography

   Jan Tschichold's, The New Typography is meant to be a "handbook for modern designers."  Divided into two parts, a history of the growth and nature of the new typography movement, and principal typographic categories, this book is meant to further an understanding of how the type movement has developed over the years and how it interacts with the other movements as they come along. 
   Something interesting I found was the arrangement of the history section. Tschichold begins with the "new world view" of type then contrasts this with the "old typography."  I think beginning with the familiar of what is happening right now then telling what the old views and offering criticism on them helps create the lines that define how type has evolved.
   The second section, "Principal Typographic Categories," is the handbook part of the book. The chapters go into how to use type in different settings, such as posters, newspapers, or periodicals. This section shows how versatile type is and helps with understanding how to use it in different ways.
   I will definitely reference this work for when I need to adapt type in a new format. It offers so many resources to help understand different formats and will help with figuring out new projects. 

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