Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Juxtapoz (Julio Barrientos)

The Magazine I took a look at was Juxtapoz Art and Culture Magazine. The magazine exhibits many different up and coming artist/illustrators. Throughout this issue I noticed how in each artist interview section they chose a typeface that reflected the artist as well as their works.

In one article where they interview artist David Stoupakis, they chose a decorative typeface that emulates the title of the article. "Ribbons and Lace" like the title the typeface has swirls coming off some of the serifs that give it that effect of a ribbon.

In another article they chose an Old English style typeface for quotes throughout the article. The typeface here again emulates the personality of artist and his work to give off a graffiti or tattoo feeling. 

Seeing type used like this throughout a magazine is pretty neat. I can see myself doing the same thing to give a spread a bit more personality other than just through the use of color and images. It also makes the spread more interesting highlighting things that you would want to pop out from the surrounding text. 

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