Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Elements of Typographic Style

        Robert Bringhurst's, "The Elements of Typographic Style," is almost exactly as it appears, a bible of all thing typography. The outside cover is a felt black, and the pages within feels just like that of a bible's, very thin and numerous, with a red string page marker attached and available for use. I was luckily able to locate this book on the 7th floor of the library.
         After scanning through the book quickly from cover to cover, I find it hard to imagine what possibly could not be in this book, because it seems to cover everything style related in some way. From the styles that make up any form of a letter or character, to their structure and history, seems to find there way into this book. What a shame it was to see however that this copy I picked up suffered from water damage at one point in it's life by a former renter.

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