Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Communication Arts-Kristin McCreery

Communication Arts- Typography Annual Two

I choose to do my type blog over a "Web-Watch" page I found in the Communication arts magazine. Communication Arts magazine  is a great magazine for really any designer, from beginners to people who are experienced in the field. Epically because this annual was the Typography one it truly is aimed at exactly what were are looking at.

The article talks about using text on the web. It talked about an plug in you could download called "What the Font"- where when you hover over any text on a webpage it would tell you what font they were using. While the over all article was very interesting, I was particularly drawn to the type lay out. Normally I stray away from wanting to read articles that were done in a San-serif font, I find it
harder to keep my place, but I was strangely drawn to this page despite the the lack of serifs.

The length of the articles and the column widths they chose, work really well with the font they picked. I loved the thin headline and how it changes colors over the gray block. I'm pretty sure the font could be Trade Gothic-- which would clearly fall into the Gothic category. The over all design of the page really helped to communicate just the simplicity and easy reading of the magazine.

What was also cool about this magazine was in the back with the index, there was a page that said "index to typefaces used", and it listed every type face with the corresponding page numbers. I however,  my page 35, was not on the list. I also loved the drop cap they did to indicated each list.

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