Wednesday, January 16, 2013

For Your [Typographic] Information

I had the online resource For Your [Typographic] Information ( It is a collection of extremely helpful articles written mostly by Ilene Strizver and also a few from Allan Haley. You can also go to the main website and purchase fonts as well which is nifty :) (if you go to and click on the link Learn About Fonts & Typography, you will see the link to For Your [Typographic] Information as well as Fontology and the blog).

My first thoughts of this website was that it's very simple, clean, and easy to navigate. On the left hand side is a menu of different typography subjects, including using type tools, glyphs and characters, situational typography, and more. Upon clicking any of these, it expands into a list of many different subheads. There is a substantial amount of useful information about typography on this website!

I would say the audience is depicted for aspiring design students and even professional designers themselves. It's a wonderful website to go to if you have any typography concerns or questions. It includes helpful tricks and tips about almost anything you can think of such as when to use hyphens, en-dashes, and em-dashes. With the overall layout of the website being so easy to navigate, it makes the information easy to digest to all readers.

Well, personally for me all the information on this website will influence me to think about typography in a much more effective way than I do now! With all the great tips and tricks it provides, it will help improve my typography skills like crazy! Overall this is an excellent resource for anyone that needs a little pick me up in anything typography!

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