Monday, February 18, 2013

Nathan Hostick- Art Exhibition finds...

The first Exhibition I chose was The Art of Albert Pailey. The book was approximately 10" wide by 12" high. The book was mostly black and white photos, and type, and a few pages used color. The book was divided into chapters. Each chapter explored a different sculpture technique or idea.  The type used a similar structure throughout the book, very simple and clean.  They used bold sans-serif for most headers, and a basic serif type for the body copy.

The next exhibition I chose was 44 Modern Japanese Print Artists.  It was approximately 12" by 12" in size.  It was a beautiful, full color book.  The way it was layed out (as seen above) there was a few page write up on an artist, then the following several pages were color photos of their prints.  It followed this format for all 44 artists.  The type was very simple and to the point (serif).

The next book I checked out was Korean folk art and craft. It was approximately 8" by 11" in size. It was a great full color book with not only beautiful artwork, but a great deal of information, all handled with beautiful type. The book was in English, but there were several pieces that had Korean titles, which were also translated in English.  The book generally showed several works per spread, and had short write ups on each at the bottom of the page.  The book was divided into sections, such as: paintings, sculpture, prints, masks, ect.

I feel that looking at several exhibition books is a great source of inspiration, and will definitely benefit the design work done on project #2.  Seeing all of these beautiful books really motivates me to start the next project. My library visit really got my mind running with ideas for my exhibition.

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