Monday, February 4, 2013

Kinetic Typography - Lindsey Laibinis

I chose the video Make it Better by Climent Canal and Sebastian Baptista. I really enjoyed their version of kinetic typography because it was very playful! From beginning to end I was amused by all the different ways they used type. Compared to other videos I was looking at, this one stood out the most. They really used type in unique and interesting ways that kept my attention the entire time.

This video, I feel, is aimed at designers and typography lovers. By the way the video was done, the typography really played a big part of the video. Everything was emphasized on how type could be used in motion, and in my opinion it was done it beautifully. To me it's a big inspiration if I were to ever create a kinetic typography video or to think how typography can be used to set a specific mood or feeling. I think my favorite part is from 35 seconds to 45—the animation on the type is incredible!

They definitely used a variety of typefaces throughout the video—some of which I'm not too sure what they are.  I'm pretty sure in the beginning from start until 12 seconds the type face is the Sans Serif typeface Helvetica Neue (if not it looks very similar to it). From 13 seconds to it looks like they possibly used the Slab Serif Officina, the Geometric Sans Serif Futura, and Slab Serif typeface.

I think the typography they used in the beginning is a great choice for what their title of the video is ('Make it Better'). To me, it's your typical, standard looking typeface that you see when you're pretty much anywhere. It's the typeface that you can relate to, because it's literally almost everywhere you go. And if I'm correct, that typeface is Helvetica Neue. I love (as for layout) how the beginning is animated with the typography being typed out, erased, typed out again, erased, typed, highlighted and set to all caps. This to me enhances the communicated message to 'Make It Better'. From there it goes into animating the text and showcasing a playfulness to the video; showcasing different typefaces, animations, etc.

This personally for me inspires me in a way showing that type can be extremely playful in just simple ways. I don't necessarily have to illustrate a super detailed illustration with type to make it fun; instead I can be as simple as making the letter 'G' look as if it's a lamp. The entire video was simplistic, clean, fun, and entertaining to watch. It captured my attention with every single little thing done to each letter, which is something I hope I can incorporate in my work (if I ever do make a kinetic typography video!).

Oh yeah..and just because I thought this video was awesome, I want to include it too :D plus my nerdy side really enjoyed this so I just though for any other video game lovers out there that you guys would enjoy it too!

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