Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts- Kristin McCreery

 I choose to do mine about the Houston Center for Contemporary Arts, it is in Houston Texas and show cases more hands on art and 3d sculptures verses paintings. The Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts has some really neat exhibits currently going on, inducing Constructing Solitude, by Janice Jakielski--this exhibit would be loved by children and adults. She plays a lot with your senses in the exhibit and her art work, she makes bonnets, goggles and other types of head wear that impair your sight and hearing giving the wearer a since of solitude. The walls of the exhibit are painted with really lovely stripes that really intensifies the viewers visual senses, that I could only imagine would be really interesting once the head gear was on-- one would think you'd only visually be able to see the bright colors. 

What is also really interesting is that she sets up a station, that again is painted with the same bright green colors for visitors to put on her designs. They is also a small shelf with flowers or some sort to feel while you wear the masks. Jakielski says- “There are not only layers of color, materials, and stitches constructing these fantastical pieces, but the artist also embeds metaphorical layers of meaning within the works. Initially, the pieces seem cheerful and celebratory, but closer contemplation reveals a certain amount of isolation and seriousness.”

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