Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Contemporary Art Museum, Raleigh - Paige Leopold

I found a really cool and interesting museum called Contemporary Art Museum. It is located in Raleigh, North Carolina and it features emerging artists. The museum's collaboration with the North Carolina State University College of Design allows them to keep tabs on local design and new media. The museum features installations in all materials which visitors see and are often allowed to touch as well. They throw huge parties for their openings which include food trucks and live music which sounds pretty rad.

I really like the idea of this place because this is somewhere that artwork of mine would be displayed and I feel like I can relate to this. This museum keeps up with what is presently popular and is very up to date. As they state on their page, "We hope to spark new thinking by creating ever-changing experiences that explore what’s now and nearing."

Each year, CAM Raleigh will host three major exhibitions in the main and street level galleries, and three Emerging Artists Series exhibitions in the lower level Independent Weekly Gallery. The one I took interest in was Alistair McClymont's Everything we are capable of seeing which is show casing from February 1 - April 28, 2013. It contains simple elements that a person sees from time to time but does not pay much attention to. Something as simple as a raindrop perhaps, or the scientific gravity of an object.

"McClymont’s practice incorporates a range of materials and practices that include sculpture, photography and video. His most recent works reproduce natural phenomena as a means of exploring scientific and philosophical ideas. The means of production and installation of the work often reveals the science behind it. At the same time, it acknowledges that there is something inherently unknowable and uncontrollable about the way in which naturally or artificially induced phenomena behave that is capable of inducing awe and wonder."

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