Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Grid- Kristin McCreery

Grids are very important to understand for basic design, grids help to create flow and continuity through out a design. It helps for the view to follow the page and gives it a clear view of the page.

The design I looked at was from It is composed of a 6 column modular grid. I though it was neat how they incorporated large block text along with smaller san serif paragraphs into on modular design, the paragraphs have so much structure they them selves make their own block. The image sizing also work really well on the second image where the one large picture is divided evenly into 4 smaller images.  I really enjoyed the simple layout and clean design that the grid provided for this page. I thought it was neat how easily you could tell where the grid on this site was, compared to others that you really have to investigate to figure out where it is.

This website was basically a digital museum aimed at modern art audience, I also really enjoyed the over sized type for the dates. 

I though this webpage really played into the line in the book where it says "grids don't make boring designs, boring designers do."

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