Thursday, March 21, 2013

Justin Halley_Modular Grid

This website, Tokyo Illustrators Society,  uses a simple modular grid. The modular gird is a useful tool for layouts that require a-lot of information to be presented in a small space. The site achieves a since of hierarchy by changing the size of the modules for more important information, while using a more standard set of proportions for everything else. The use of spatial zones to group together the content of the site (the content being the different illustrations) is another example of using the modular grid well. Another example of the use of the modular grid in an interesting way for this site, is that the right side of the page, with all of the content and spatial zones, contains so much content that it allows you to scroll down through all of it, while the section on the left stays in the same position, providing an interesting solution to the problem of how to present so much content without making the design to monotonous. Overall I'd say that this site is a success, with the modular gird giving a good sense of order, while the design still maintains enough of an artistic flair to keep things interesting.

EDIT: For whatever reason, the blog is not letting me post with pictures, so I'm just going to include a link.

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